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What the River Knows – Book Review

What the River Knows (Secrets of the Nile, #1)What the River Knows by Isabel Ibañez
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was recommended this book by a friend at work and I’m so glad I decided to read it right away instead of putting it on my never-ending TBR. I absolutely LOVED this book. It had everything I love in fiction: mystery, adventure, history (Ancient Egypt history), humor, language, and romance.
The main character is a little too reckless for her times, but this is after all a magical realism novel so a little creative liberty is more than welcomed.
I totally fell in love with the male lead, Whit. He’s a bit on the morally grey side at times, but just enough to keep the reader guessing. His slow-burn romance with the FMC is well done, sexy in a subtle way, and believable.
And the parallel with the history of Cleopatra made it all that much sweeter. I highly, highly recommend it. Can’t wait to read the sequel.

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